作曲 : Douglas, Griparic, Jackson ... "How are you feeling now, Rodney?" “你现在感觉怎麼样,Rodney?” "... I just wanna kill ..." “…..我只想杀人….” Here we are alone now, just you and me 现在我们独处了,只有你跟我 Down the halls we waltz, your end is in my dreams 沿着走廊我们跳着华尔滋,你在我的梦中死去…. I wanna be like him, he had a dreadful life 我想要跟他一样,有着令人畏惧的一生 I wanna learn to shoot, I wanna use the knife 我想要学着开枪,我想要舞刀弄枪 I like the smell of fear that makes you paralyzed 我喜欢恐惧的气息,那让你动弹不得 I am the boy next door who put that fear in your eyes 我是隔壁的男孩,我让你双眼染上恐惧 I hope you can leave all this for yourself 為了你好,我希望你可以离开这一切 I'll be your slave and then dig your grave 我会当你的奴隶,然后帮你挖坟 While we're makin' love I dream revolver 当我们在做爱时,我却幻想着左轮手枪 They say I'm crazy, falling apart 他们说我疯了,精神分裂了 Do you like the way I murdered your heart 你喜欢我扼杀你心臟的方式吗? I'm smart and cagey, I come in the night 我既聪明又狡猾,我挑晚上来到 If you let me in, you'll give up your life 如果你让我进来,你等於捨弃你的生命 He like to roll in mud, up to his chin 他喜欢在深及他的下巴的泥中打滚 Now I open my head and let his voodoo in 现在我打开我的头让他的邪恶思想钻入 I rode those sissy bars all the way to hell 我骑着摩托车直往地狱 Sweet mother justice, we've heard it all 圣母的制裁,我们都瞭解 There's nothing left to tell 那根本没什麼好说的 I hope you didn't need all this for yourself 但愿你并不眷恋你的一切 And the man with the stars says we know who you are 身上戴着星星的人(警察)说我们知道你是谁 But I just keep singing' la dee dee dah 但我仍然逍遥法外 They say I'm crazy, falling apart 他们说我疯了,精神分裂了 Do you like the way I murdered your heart 你喜欢我扼杀你心臟的方式吗? I'm smart and cagey, I come in the night 我既聪明又狡猾,我挑晚上来到 If you let me in, you'll give up your life 如果你让我进来,你等於捨弃你的生命 He's not the man you see at home 他并不是你在家看到的那个人 He's someone else inside 他的内心是另一个人 His life's no longer his own 他的生命不再属於他自己 He's someone else inside 他的内心是另一个人 Creepin' up when you're alone 趁你独自一人时悄悄靠近 And now he stands inside 现在他站在裡面 He want’s to take you to hell 他渴望带你去地狱 But for him it's heaven 但那对他而言是天堂 Sorry to say but you're not the only one 很抱歉的告诉你,你并不是唯一 You're not the lonely one that turned my light on While I'll turned yours off, off .... 你点亮我的生命,且当我杀害你时,你并不孤独 Boom boom bang bang, screams in the dark Boom boom bang bang 在黑暗中放声尖叫 If you let him in, he'll murder your heart 如果你让他进来,他会扼杀你的心 Bang bang boom boom, comes in the night Bang bang boom boom 在晚上来到 If you let him in, he'll turn off your light 如果你让他进来,他会将你杀害 I'm smart and cagey, I come in the night 我既聪明又狡猾,我挑晚上来到 If you let me in, you'll give up your life 如果你让我进来,你等於捨弃你的生命 They say I'm crazy, falling apart 他们说我疯了,精神分裂了 Do you like the way I murdered your heart 你喜欢我扼杀你心臟的方式吗? I'm smart and cagey, I come in the night 我既聪明又狡猾,我挑晚上来到 If you let me in, I’ll turn off your light 如果你让我进来,我会将你杀害 Sorry to say but you're not the only one You're not the lonely one that turned my light on While I'll turned yours off...