There's this great Popeye cartoon where he gets inside of Bluto's shirt. And he's popping out of his sleeves going, "Here I yam, Over here, Yoo hoo!" And Bluto is confused - He's going, "Hey, where'd you - why you - hmmm!" And he's trying to beat up Popeye, and he ends up pummeling himself. And the War on Terror That is the War on Terror - yeah, that's the War on Terror That is the War on Terror There's this old joke where a guy is walking home late at night. He sees another guy under a street light, searching frantically in the gutter. He says, "Hey man, what did you lose?" - The guy says, "I dropped my keys about six blocks away." He says, "Why aren't you looking over there?" - The guy says, "The light's better over here." And the War on Terror That is the War on Terror - yeah, that's the War on Terror That is the War on Terror We've got a vacuum cleaner on sale Oh, I'm so sorry but we're out of that model But I can probably get you out the door For two hundred billion, more or less, probably more With a model we call Preemptive War That leaves your floor dirtier than before There's that great quote about war, and I'm trying to remember who said it. That the people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders. You just tell them they're under attack, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, now who said that? - Oh yeah, it was Herman Goering And that is the War on Terror - yeah, that's the War on Terror That is the War on Terror - That's the War on Terror That is the War on Terror - Here I yam! That is the War on Terror - Over here! Uck uck uck uck uck uck uck...!