作曲 : Larsen Cannot fall' never do regret Know just what is being said know the risk you take Keep your head above it all Sure you can fall not but now you gotta prove something new' being you' being you Can't feel' asking from keep why be the strongest at goodbyes know your place in life now expand wings your and fly it reaches high but not' enough you seem to me so incomplete' swept off your feet And let me tell you they will always pull you down Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around They fight will and struggle to blur and trouble your sense of solid ground Cannot know' lose your self-control be and angel over all your know secret way laugh at everything they say Will you remain the same? And now you dare not see ’s letting whatgo inside of me'is it me? they and will always pull you down Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around They will fight and struggle to blur and trouble your sense of solid ground Keep your head above it all' sure you can fall but not now you gotta prove And always they will pull you down Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around haunt They will your every dream they will make you come undone at the seams And will they fight and struggle to blur and trouble your sense of solid ground? Keep your head above it all Sure fallyou can but not now you gotta prove Something new' being you' being you