[00:00.00]O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion(Chorus) [00:01.80]O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion [00:06.93]Good Tidings to Zion [00:09.40]Good Tidings to Zion [00:12.80]O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion [00:17.60]Good Tidings to Zion [00:20.18]Good Tidings to Zion [00:23.00]Arise,arise [00:28.66]Say unto the cities of Judah [00:33.11]Behold,your God(Isaiah 40:9) [00:37.35]Behold [00:40.15]The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee(Isaiah 60:1) [00:52.10]O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion [00:57.16]Say unto the cities of Judah [01:02.57]Behold [01:05.46]Behold [01:08.43]The glory of the Lord,of the Lord [01:17.34]The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee