Theme from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "The Twilight Zone"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "E. T. "
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Luke and Leia from "Star Wars lll - Return of the Jedi"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Star Trek T.V. Show"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Independence Day"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "X-Files"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Star Wars"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Battlestar Galactica"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Empire Strikes Back"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Jurrasic Park"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Star Trek - The Next Generation"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits
Theme from "Superman"
Hollywood Soundstage Orchestra
Great Sci-Fi Movie Hits